Brain specialist

A source of recurrent controversy

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„The Difference between the Sexes – From Biology to Behaviour“ lautet das Thema der 11. EMBL/EMBO Science and Society Conference am 5./6. November 2010 in Heidelberg. Für eine Handvoll Euros kann man (genauer: werde ich) dort zum Beispiel Susan Pinker sehen und hören. Aus der Einleitung des Programms:

Both the evident and the less evident biological differences between the sexes have numerous behavioural repercussions. While such phenomena have been observed and pondered from times immemorial, modern science has produced new and powerful means for elucidating them. The implications at the behavioural level in humans, however, remain a source of recurrent controversy, both within the scientific community as well as among the wider public. Are certain behaviours and thoughts fundamentally male and others essentially female?

Written by brainspecialist

22. Februar 2010 um 18:37

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